I worked with the world's greatest talents and then went home to the world's greatest woman. It was, and is, a great life.
Most North Americans know that human-caused global warming is real, even if political leaders don't always reflect or act on that knowledge.
By 2020, cargo loops should be working. By 2022, we should have people transport working.
I am not an economist... I am not a business technician. I am a revolutionary, and I do what is right for an economic revolutionary.
Working in TV films has a lot of advantages over the daily grind of doing an hour series.
It's pronounced 'Romaine', like the lettuce.
Our research centres are everywhere, in India, China, Turkey, Japan, and we all work as a team all the time.
It seems like once people grow up, they have no idea what's cool.
Touring is what you make it. I like to organise as much as possible myself.
You always have a lot of time on the road, and you have to fill that time up with something.
But the deep desire for peace remained with the American people.
Some people, they do just go out there and rock, and it's perfect in that way, 'cause that's what's, I guess, natural to them.
I've always played it my way. I failed media training, for example.
The killer part is the attorneys fees and the court costs, she is liable to the state and the american civil liberties union.
For some men the power to destroy life becomes the equivalent to the female power to create life.
It's nice and colorful.
Be the witness of your thoughts.
You cannot put the same shoe on every foot.
Every job carries occupational hazards.
The scientist is a lover of truth for the very love of truth itself, wherever it may lead.
I wanted to be a world champion.
'O Brother, Where Art Thou?' was this role that utterly fell into my lap and changed my life.
The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he really is very good, in spite of all the people who say he is very good.
I'd rather dig a ditch than go to a dinner party with people I don't know.
America's biggest problem is too much freedom.
This will have an impact on the timing of considering a new attorney general.
Vince McMahon is one of the greatest storytellers of all time, but WWE's not striving for the kind of innovation it's capable of.
This is 4 feet( 1.2 meters) above the worst flood we ever had, the town looks like one huge lake.
Stars don't necessarily make a good team and that is what we must learn.
When I make a vow to God, then I would suggest to you that's even stronger than a handshake in Texas.