Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.
I have not done any film where my role didn't make sense.
Mistakes were made, so I learned by my mistakes.
I don't regret anything I've put out there.
Kenneth Branagh has his stamp all over 'Thor.'
Faith is nothing else than trust in the divine mercy promised in christ.
VCs invest in innovation and disruption, but how often do they innovate themselves?
But that's ok with me.
When a trout rises to a fly, it does not swim as much as tilt its fins and jet skyward.
There is a tendency to try to dumb everything down and turn everything into a one-paragraph press release or even less, just a slogan.
I love experimenting with different hair styles and going clothes shopping.
While I felt like we potentially had something really huge in 'Gotham,' you're always nervous that it won't live up.
No matter how big and strong you are... Even Tyson said he was scared as hell walking to the ring. Everyone feels the pressure.
Football is not just about physical, technical, tactical. It's mental, really.
Treasures are no longer to be got by instrumental art.
You find your personality real quick in school.
I'm not sitting in my office stroking a white cat... I find it very frustrating what benefit have I got of closing stores?
Acting wasn't what I wanted to do forever. I wanted a home, and I wanted children.
Many return from the war who cannot give an account of the battle.
I don't usually read reviews.
I always believed that clothes should be designed to conform to our bodies and not our bodies to conform to the clothing.
I see myself as the godfather of the streets.
I do tennis ball drills mostly for bouncers, for my muscle memory as well.
This is just an after-the-fact justification trying to justify what happened, the facts don't bear that out.
I'm privileged, because I have a lot of freedom. I want to use it to make as warm and normal a life as I can for our daughters.
You cannot have a creation without a Creator.
Looking back I know I sometimes crossed the line, and I wouldn't do that now.
Healthy competition places discipline on the market and should focus providers on providing the best service at a lower cost.
We are critically dependent on the Internet, and it's ingrained in our way of life.
I think love has something to do with allowing a person you claim to love to enter a larger arena than the one you create for them.