God is a good worker but loves to be helped.
And my father always took me to the library. We were both book addicts.
The worse the carpenter, the more the chips.
I'm more of a 5 Live man. But I might listen to a bit of Coldplay or The Smiths.
People become dons because they are incapable of doing anything else in life.
Gaga dropped out of New York University when she was 19 to pursue her music career.
This sounds ridiculous, but my political inspiration is not Marx or Engels or anything like that. It was my mum.
If you can't do what you want, do what you can.
I take it hard whenever anything happens that makes, I guess, queer people feel less safe and less welcome in the world.
I get 'Hodor' tweeted at me a lot.
Peace is rarely denied to the peaceful.
It is better to skip one meal than to consult a hundred doctors.
He feels embarrassed and alone. He's bullied constantly at school and feels helpless and alone.
If real churches exist, such persons are not called on to make them.
I want to write a book of poetry, as well as children's stories.
Drinking water is essential to a healthy lifestyle.
I was homecoming queen. I was star of my basketball team.
Nobody had ever lost 462 races and then just won. But Dale Earnhardt Sr. Had told me I had the ability, and that day, I knew I would.
I drink a gallon of water a day.
I grew up hearing my parents' stories about how they had to fight for their right to vote in the Jim Crow South.
I haven't written about an immigrant experience because I haven't experienced that before and am focused on existential themes.
Consider this alms aside, Wikipedia is fueled by competitive pedantry and emo-ness. How great is that?
We need to recognize the opportunity that green jobs present to Florida and to the economy.
A lot of people are living their lives online in much more public ways with Facebook and Twitter.
New York is getting used to being overtaken by other states.
I've missed half or two-thirds of my children's lives.
I'd like to have kids.
Parts for Asians are hard enough to get, and if Tee, which sounds kind of generically Asian, helps me get roles, so be it.
The poem is sad because it wants to be yours, and cannot be.
I don't want to interfere in U.S. Elections.