What is a child, monsieur, but the image of two beings, the fruit of two sentiments spontaneously blended?
My most useful acting tip came from my pal John Wayne. Talk low, talk slow, and don't say too much.
Sometimes, off the field you learn the most, becoming a better person, and nutritionally, I've worked a lot on it.
You can't cheat the game. You can't cheat the grind. You get out what you put in at the end of the day.
I feel very fortunate, always.
All these guys helped to get me here, back-to-back, right?
Part of that duty requires us to stand tall and shoulder our share of the burden in the fight against ISIL.
Having the ambition of becoming Olympic champion is a whole different ambition from wanting to be the greatest.
I'm proud of my curves, my daughter, as well as the harsh past that helped shape me into the strong woman I am today.
I thought we were robbed, but then I noticed the only thing missing was steven's things and his clothes.
I don't have anything to get off my chest. I'm not itching to prove myself anymore.
You would go mad if you began to speculate about the impact your novel might have while you were still writing it.
You dream what you're supposed to do.
My brother and I are best friends.
I recorded my first song, 'Greetings,' and it got so much attention on SoundCloud. I was not expecting that.
Working manually is not considered bad in the U.S.
I'm one of the luckiest people on earth.
To keep something around just because it is already on the books, I think, is wrong.
I was a child badminton wizard.
I am smarter because I stayed in school, and I am a better football player.
The first couple shows I did by myself, I was looking around wondering where the rest of my band was.
I love checking out aspiring bakers' offerings at local farmers' markets when the weather is nice.
God is patient with us to become the God's children he wants us to be but you really can see him weeping.
The more acquaintance, the more danger.
That could be contributing to the surprisingly bullish reaction to the overnight news.
Yes, I worked in Montreal. I worked there for 20 years... I came back to Beauce in 2006 to represent the Beaucerons.
I like to practice on the bass, but I don't do it as often as I should.
I just always thought 'Groundhog Day' was potentially a great idea.
I want it to be said when I leave this world that 'he was not just a money-making machine.'
Every season, players come in and players go, but I think it is good news if top players come in.