'The Exorcist' is the scariest movie ever made. It just felt dead-on real, like you were watching the existence of the devil.
Firemen have a culture of death. There are rituals, carefully constructed for the living, to process the dead.
When you're in prison, you want to know that you were thought about.
How dangerous emperors are when they go mad.
Although the police often put pressure on the workers to settle for some money, we tell the workers to persist.
One thing is certain in business. You and everyone around you will make mistakes.
I have seen my mugshot.
I just find it fascinating, like everybody, to be in a different life. It's an escape.
I'm tall in Sweden, but I'm huge in Hollywood.
Japan has really great fans for all kinds of music. I think they're keeping metal alive.
People should not be pulling funding.
Repeat after me 'There is a very limited amount of easy money.'
Hip hop is the way it is because of America.
I think unfortunately in this environment we expect every [senate] vote is close, it's just the dynamic we face.
It is an outrage that Donald Trump can swear and scream on national television and no one says boo about how he presents himself.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
A little of what you fancy does you good.
A man is known by his friends.
A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for his client.
A new broom sweeps clean.
A nod's as good as a wink to a blind horse.
A penny saved is a penny earned.
A picture paints a thousand words.
A place for everything and everything in its place.
A poor workman always blames his tools.
A problem shared is a problem halved.
A prophet is not recognized in his own land.
A rising tide lifts all boats.
A swarm in may is worth a load of hay; a swarm in june is worth a silver spoon; but a swarm in july is not worth a fly.
A thing of beauty is a joy forever.