It's very homely, this castle. It doesn't have huge ballrooms. I didn't want a cold, cavernous place.
I think we were probably playing live for about 12 months before we got a recording deal.
Exploit or get exploited.
I don't think anyone would bat an eye if I wrote a song.
18th September Respect Day.
I've found the world's most versatile word - 'cheeky.' The amount of ways you guys can use the word 'cheeky' is quite impressive.
In this election we are the swing vote in the swing states.
Vinnie Paul was a very close friend of mine - he's gone.
Everything I do is over the top. When I do something, I want everyone to be talking about it.
The first thing successful people do is view failure as a positive signal to success.
'Stargate' was more a fantasy.
I don't want to be a punching bag.
I love doing the nighttime soap, the emotional, psychological, hard stuff that I got to tackle on 'Hannibal.'
I think playing a comic role is the toughest job for an actor; to put glycerin and cry is easy, but to make people laugh is difficult.
Look not a gift horse in the mouth.
Since my family is in the public eye, we've got to be strong, we've got to support each other, and we've got to stand united.
On style points alone, Donald Trump makes GWB look magnificently presidential.
Punk is all about doing what you want and being yourself. And that's what rap is too.
There are two kinds of talents, man-made talent and god-given talent. With man-made talent you have to work very hard. With god-given talent, you just touch it up once in a while.
I'm not a circus bear.
That's a role that I could've done without makeup.
London holds the record of being the only city to have hosted the event 3 times 1908, 1948 and 2012.
Poor relations have little honour.
It takes a lot of courage as an actor to take time off for family. But family is everything.
I do like reality shows, and I watch some of them because they're high drama. It's also just fun to watch people have honest reactions.
Pransaab was a great character actor. What he has achieved as an actor, I cannot think of achieving even a part of it.
Art has absolutely changed my life.
Courage is simply the willingness to be afraid and act anyway.
I'm old-fashioned.
There's no question, I guarantee you, that you will see more NFL players getting into wrestling. They have the personality for it.