I try to get as close to 10 hours of sleep each night, as sleep is the best form of recovery.
It's impossible not to be taken in by the spectacle of oneself, which is the biggest sin of the culture right now.
When I was in law school, there was a used book store nearby. I picked up a Harlequin romance and read it. It was stress relieving.
I see a future where American companies lead the world in the production of hybrid-plug in cars and electric vehicles.
There's no accounting for tastes.
It is guaranteed to put all teeth on edge, including George Washington's, wherever they might be.
I don't got no regrets with any of my tats.
You don't need money to be free. You can just say if you don't need stuff, you're always free.
There's no excuse in doing nothing.
Heath Ledger was supposed to put our album on what would have been a new record label. I still feel a little dead after losing him.
It's very hard to deal with true subject matter, especially when you're writing about such weighty issues.
I do not like carving the world into segments; we are one world.
Sometimes you can take those dramatic roles and maybe interject a little humor into them, and I think the reverse also works.
Not wishing to blow my own trumpet, I'm as near to being the perfect dog owner as it is possible to be.
We all have shortcomings.
Some people meet me sometimes and they sit down and talk to me for a while and ask me my name and say, 'Oh, you're the guy'.
In my ideal world, it would be nice if one day you could go to whole foods and buy it in the frozen section.
As you have arranged the thread so must you weave it.
We need to cut the capital gains tax; we need to take regulations off the backs of business and allow banks to once again lend.
When I'm 80 years old, I don't know what I want to be remembered for.
Most single guys I know think fatherhood is terrifying.
We will meet again to sort of solidify what we talked about today.
I think we are all connected in this world.
Let fear be a counselor and not a jailer.
Extreme ironing is a sport in which people take ironing boards to remote locations and iron items of clothing. It originated in england.
My name is Kendall. Kendall Jenner. I am not a Kardashian.
The lack of space and a growing prison population has strained resources and put pressure on all levels of the penal system.
If I went for too long without writing, I would start to feel like something inside me was dying.
I was four when I announced my ambition to write, eight when I began publishing such claims.
I'm born and raised in Houston, Texas, but Wisconsin is always going to be a home for me, and I'll always be back.