A bad penny always turns up.
A barking dog never bites.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
A change is as good as a rest.
A dog is a man's best friend.
A fish always rots from the head down.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A golden key can open any door.
A good beginning makes a good ending.
A good man is hard to find.
A person is known by the company he keeps.
A house is not a home.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
A leopard cannot change its spots.
Texans are demanding a choice, a safe way to travel in between these two major cities.
Let us not be needlessly bitter: certain failures are sometimes fruitful.
Who doesn't like a nice Belgian waffle?
I love bands like the Arctic Monkeys and The Smiths, and I'm working on my own music.
Work like a slave and eat like a gentleman.
If I had a do over, I'd indubitably start investing in startups earlier in life!
I had this little handheld transistor radio that I used to sleep next to.
I didn't want to get married to somebody just because I was ageing and wanted a child.
I had done some acting in high school. I was terrible.
Every day, tell at least one person something you like, admire, or appreciate about them.
If you don't like what someone has to say, argue with them.
Those who are absent are always wrong.
I believe that the portuguese market will be one of the first globally to be able to use this (5g) technology.
I had one day with him, and he was asleep in the scene, but I told my entire family that I was in a scene with Michael Caine.
No one in a position of authority is taking this seriously.