A bad penny always turns up.
A barking dog never bites.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
A change is as good as a rest.
A dog is a man's best friend.
A fish always rots from the head down.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A golden key can open any door.
A good beginning makes a good ending.
A good man is hard to find.
A person is known by the company he keeps.
A house is not a home.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
A leopard cannot change its spots.
Anger as soon as fed is dead, 'tis starving makes it fat.
There will always be that dreadful monster prejudice to do extra battle against because of their color.
When I first drew him I had eyes in there and it didn't look right.
I don't want to plan my career. That would be a business plan. Filmmaking is not a business plan.
Never interrupt me when I'm eating a banana.
As Miss World 2017, and even later in life, I'd like to take health and hygiene to everybody.
I don't like to dwell on the past.
I hope we can launch a government, we'll see in the coming hours.
I don't much care who is gay or straight or married or not. I mostly notice if they are brave enough to confront bigotry.
In devoting more time and attention to fewer commitments, we can have a bigger impact on the things that matter most.
I think it's always difficult to reconcile the needs of art and business.
I think America is a great place to grow up. It's a good lifestyle.
The president has declared that the debate over government-controlled health care is over. That will come as news to the millions of Americans who will elect Mitt Romney so we can repeal Obamacare.
There will always been the prurient rubbernecking aspect to disasters people who just can't get enough gore.
There's a lot of people I'd like to write with, like Keith Urban or even as far out as Stevie Wonder.