I recognize a lot of the things I'm going through. Like, I lose my temper a lot and I become unhinged and kind of hysterical.
Dog - a kind of additional or subsidiary Deity designed to catch the overflow and surplus of the world's worship.
We just want to win the natty - the national championship - and that's starts with a team, not just one person.
I'm not advocating we do anything on our own, if it is the right thing to keep some stability in the world, we can do it.
Government is, by its very nature, a destroyer of liberties the Obama administration, specifically, is promising to interfere with the economy and the health care system so profoundly that Washington will soon have us all in chains.
I'm an actor. I have to play weird characters, quirky characters, strange characters, sometimes characters I don't understand.
Gymnastics should be popular everywhere; you just need the right person to start the right programme.
There was no respect for youth when I was young, and now that I am old, there is no respect for age, I missed it coming and going.
Everyone knows that by far the happiest and universally enjoyable age of man is the first. What is there about babies which makes us hug and kiss and fondle them, so that even an enemy would give them help at that age?
Well, I'm in my 60s now. I finally look it, I think. People until I was 60 would always say they thought I looked younger, which I think, without flattering myself, I did, but I think I certainly have, as George Orwell says people do after a certain age, the face they deserve.
Oh, if I had been loved at the age of seventeen, what an idiot I would be today. Happiness is like smallpox: if you catch it too soon, it can completely ruin your constitution.
English people don't have very good diction. In France you have to pronounce very particularly and clearly, and learning French at an early age helped me enormously.
Of course, the ideal scenario for parenting is obviously two parents of a mature age.
You know what makes me feel old? When I see girls who are 20-something, or the new crop of actresses, and think, Aren't we kind of the same age?
Elizabeth Peyton, the artist known for tiny, dazzling portraits of radiant youth, is now painting tiny, dazzling portraits of radiant middle age.
I was taught from a young age that I had to serve, so that turned into me thinking I had to save the planet.
My mother enjoyed old age, and because of her I've begun to enjoy parts of it too. So far I've had it good and am crumbling nicely.
It's sad, actually, because my anxiety keeps me from enjoying things as much as I should at this age.