I can't deal with someone wanting to take a relationship backward or needing space or cheating on you.
A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
I was 29 or 30 when I felt sure of what I was doing, but not fully identifying as a songwriter until I was 37.
Even with multiple instruction books, maneuvering the maze of the tax code is costly and time-consuming.
New York gave me hell for that 'Purple Swag,' man. They didn't respect me until 'Peso.'
Today we must make a pact with each other to end this reckless conduct with the people's government.
I was born in Alabama, but I only lived there for a month before I'd done everything there was to do.
Trying to enforce our out-of-touch laws is as foolish and impossible as trying to enforce a law requiring that water flow uphill.