Alabama's state nut is famous.
He will regard the prayer of the destitute.
I'm heartened by the growing awareness of global warming among important communities and organizations in our nation.
I do what I like to do.
I don't get to go to the super fancy stores unless I am in L.A. So you stay pretty real and normal that way.
Very few checklist liberals will focus on transformational work if they are rewarded or punished only for their transactional work.
When I was a little girl, rocking my little dolls, I remember thinking I would be the world's best mom, and so far I've done it.
Drink the clam juice.
Sometimes you can't prioritise family and you feel guilty.
I have a lot of good stories for talk shows about the conditions in which I worked.
Having two families is just natural to me. I guess when you're growing up, whatever is happening around you is the natural thing.
A technical objection is the first refuge of a scoundrel.
I didn't have any ambition to produce big mainstream popcorn movies.
Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student. At least they can find kuwait.
It is the business of the future to be dangerous; and it is among the merits of science that it equips the future for its duties.
Shout-out to my dad - he influenced my style when I was 17.
My sister is totally my dad's daughter because she loves sports.
I cannot do confrontation. You know that fight or flight thing? I'm flight. I just don't want the argument.
I had an older brother who passed away recently, an older sister and a younger brother.
I've always been a collector at heart.
I am an arena creature - by birth, I think. Most of my life has been spent as a rink rat.
An investigation is being conducted.
The world ultimately is what we say it is.
Before I became an actress, I was a cellist. I've been playing since I was 14, was in a lot of bands, and acting was more of a hobby.
He allowed us to choreograph the sex scenes.
Pleasure has a sting in its tail.
Give to yourself as much as you give of yourself! This means you have to put yourself first.
They say Elvis is dead. I say, no, you're looking at him. Elvis isn't dead; he just changed color.
I haven't seen 'The Revenant,' but I'm sure it was great because it has a lot of talent involved.
Ducks are mostly aquatic birds living in both fresh water and sea water and found on every continent except for Antarctica.