Rewriting our state's constitution to condone discrimination would be contrary to our values and harmful to our economy.
For my diet, I choose mostly organic. But in general, I am a big believer in trying to strike a balance with everything.
Government works less efficiently when it begins to grow out of control and takes on more and more of the responsibilities that belong to the citizens.
There were a lot of people, I found, who'd rather watch me live my life than live their own life.
There were days that I literally had no reason to get out of bed. It just was so destructive for me.
Whichever character I'm using and wherever I am in my mind dictates what kind of story I'm going to tell.
Zoologists can also be involved in conservation, protecting endangered animals and their habitats.
Zombies, what are you going to do with them? Just keep chopping them up, shooting at them, shooting at them.
Zombies, mummies - they're disgusting and gross. You don't want to make out with a mummy. At least, I don't.
Zombies to me don't represent anything in particular. They are a global disaster that people don't know how to deal with.
Zombies are my ticket to ride! It's how I get a deal! I don't care what they are. I don't care where they came from.