Syria alone has four million refugees, including massive numbers of people in acute crisis, with unbelievable trauma.
Saoirse Ronan is just remarkable.
I never declared I wanted to be an astronaut, as I considered that was presumptuous.
I worry that the iranians in the near term are going to start once again doing things.
Arsenal have good fans but not that passionate since they moved from Highbury to the Emirates.
Until a few months ago, no one had any idea that Zika could cause birth defects.
I've been famous my entire life; I don't know any other way.
If you've reduced the scar formation rate by 50 percent, then you know that in a year or two that's going to add up.
Young people, you need the wisdom of age, just as some of us older ones need your enthusiasm for life.
Don't watch the clock, do what it does. Keep going!
I remember thinking, 'Downward dog' is so not a resting pose!' Now it actually can be.
The saddest day of my life was the day I didn't get to play football anymore.
I don't go on nobody's stage before I give praise to God.
It's an uncomfortable thing to talk about myself, in general.
The greatest poem is not that which is most skillfully constructed, but that in which there is the most poetry.
I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
Things that I do tend not to work out commercially.
The only two characters I can play convincingly are myself and a dumber and sweeter version of myself.
When you live in the South, you're constantly part of the civil rights movement.
I think the skyrocketing cost of a college education has placed it in the sphere of being a luxury-priced necessity.
The first part of the ISS sent to space was the module called Zarya. It was launched into space on a Russian Proton rocket on November 20th, 1998. Zarya provided propulsion, attitude control, communications and electrical power.
From the time of Adam and Eve, man has tried to escape suffering in any form.
Two birds of prey do not keep each other company.
If it was n't for him, I feel like I would n't be standing here right now.
Life's too short to be shoehorned into a box that isn't for you.
Every one of us is a story in progress. Trust who you are. Be who you are. Enjoy who you are.
That's what I love. Not being interrupted, sitting in a car by myself and listening to music in the rain. There are so many great songs yet to sing.
The fans know that I don't give at-bats away.
My philosophy is never start talking about 'if,' 'and,' 'but' or the past, because 90 percent of what follows will be negative.
Words are but the signs of ideas.