I can't not put humor in a book.
I just go out there and play basketball.
It's much more common than we thought.
Its not really about the movie business, it's about staying in the picture.
Only Nixon could have gone to China. Anyone else would have been criticised from the Right.
This is a learning experience. I've never run this engine before.
When the present gets tough, you have to battle through it by imagining an outcome that is weeks, potentially even months, ahead.
I'm a slightly obnoxious person.
As of 2018, Selena Gomez is the most followed person on Instagram with 138 million followers.
It will last out our time; if after us no grass grows, what does it matter to us?
I've got a winner mentality, the mentality of a champion.
Domestic terrorism has opened new war zones, operating off the assumption that all Americans are potential terrorists.
Justice will overtake fabricators of lies and false witnesses.
In 2012, the population of Kenya was estimated to be around 43 million.
He hits it long. His shoulders are impressively quick through the ball. That's where he's getting his power from. He's young and has great elasticity.
The company has no cash and it's not able to buy anyone with that much leverage, it would make more sense to be bought.
You know, the Super Bowl is so fresh that every single commercial is even on, you know, some next-level entertainment.
Today, the tide has turned, we are destroying them.
Deliberate violence is more to be quenched than a fire.
Everything is creative. It's all relative to me. No matter what, you've gotta use your imagination, use your senses.
You can't be in love with a Google search.
It wasn't always a sexual thing.
Unless you're very boring, I think most people who've lived long enough have something in their past which will never go away.
Men are sent into the world with bills of credit, and seldom draw to their full extent.
I think it's a good thing to have a lot of voices in the media, and I think, you know, let all flowers bloom.
One of the four pages was redacted in its entirety.
A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart.
I remember admiring my aunt's - my mom's sister's - fashion, which was very feminine and sexy, but always sophisticated.
I had to work just as hard as my male colleagues.
Everything is autobiographical, and nothing is autobiographical. That's fiction.