Nobody behind them will have a chance to reset the race or change things.
I have no influence with the rising generation. All my arguments have failed to induce them to set bounds to their wants.
No matter what fabulous place I visit, I don't feel like I'm on vacation unless I'm dehydrated and covered with sunscreen.
Freedom of expression - in particular, freedom of the press - guarantees popular participation in the decisions and actions of government, and popular participation is the essence of our democracy.
It is in all our interests that the government, when buying goods or services, pays the lowest price.
A Democrat has to show the toughness to govern. People don't doubt that Republicans will be tough.
A friend who cannot at a pinch remember a thing or two that never happened is as bad as one who does not know how to forget.
The most successful people are so original.
I seem to have a knack for picking movies that go on to be cult favorites.
I used to get shadowed when I was 8 years old. Really early.
There is no need to give in to the compromise that totalitarian regimes always count on.
I never met Colleen McCullough; if I had, I probably would have cried and made a fool of myself.
All farewells should be sudden, when forever.
I don't consider myself an Iranian comedian; I consider myself a comedian who happens to be of Iranian descent.
A civilization, a culture, cannot survive without passion, cannot be saved without passion.
Both individuals and societies tell themselves stories to simplify and make sense of the messy chaos of reality.
When I hit that pavement at 70 or 80 mph those suits just ripped.
He who revealeth his secret maketh himself a slave.
That is why we profess a spiritual kinship with primitive and archaic art.
Israel is our greatest ally in the Middle East. And it's a relationship we should be strengthening, not weakening.
I busked from the age of 13 until I was 18.
A drop in refinery utilization in combination with super-strong imports helped to stymie the draw to crude.
There are some people who watch NASCAR for the highly skilled driving - but most people watch it for the crashes.
I was a terrible student. For me, to take a book home was a trial.
Acting is what I've pursued since I was a child.
I am no politician.
Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.
None of us is immune to suggestion. We are social beings and live in a social world.
They are not all friends who laugh with you.
I was unpopular my whole life.