A bad penny always turns up.
A barking dog never bites.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
A change is as good as a rest.
A dog is a man's best friend.
A fish always rots from the head down.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A golden key can open any door.
A good beginning makes a good ending.
A good man is hard to find.
A person is known by the company he keeps.
A house is not a home.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
A leopard cannot change its spots.
From birth to age eighteen, a girl needs good parents. From eighteen to thirty-five, she needs good looks. From thirty-five to fifty-five, she needs a good personality. From fifty-five on, she needs good cash.
There should be no such thing as boring mathematics.
My touring band, they're just brilliant, and all of them are learning ASL, so the wall of communication is breaking.
Her entire time in chicago was trauma after trauma after trauma, she was afraid. She thought she was going to die.
There aren't many roles that are interesting if you're a 40-year-old woman, unless you're Julia Roberts or Cate Blanchett.
A fair proportion haven't been diagnosed. It creates a risky environment.
I own 'The New York Observer.'
It [the leasing program] was a way of getting african-americans into the system so plantation owners could have cheap labor.
I love Michigan.
Women's health needs to be front and center - it often isn't, but it needs to be.
I have never used the word 'boy' to describe a black, nor would I tolerate it in my office.
For my kids, I cook everything. We have dinner every night, pretty much, just the four of us my husband and me and our two kids.
I hope that in the future, he could become an anti-drug spokesman and tell his experiences to young people.
I've got a responsibility, which is to fight for everybody here and every person in this state.
I've seen this play out before.