The people who truly love me and loved me before all of this stuff. You can't ever leave them behind.
There are not a lot of black men in the pop business.
Fiji has a population of around nine hundred thousand (896,758) as of 2013.
The serendipitous nature of hypertext links is just brilliant for a curious mind. I love it.
Now don't say you can't swear off drinking; it's easy. I've done it a thousand times.
Anything with 'Family Guy' is great.
I'm a talker. I love a good debate.
Growing up playing on the streets, you made your name by talking mess and getting into people's heads.
God's glory is the big news of the Bible, and my desire is that it would be all about me, but really it's all about God's glory.
It's time the government stopped using taxes to reward winners and losers in love.
Clams's music to me is where there's no boundaries. It was just exciting for my mind to be as free as Clams's music is.
The Commonwealth is one of three belts I want to win before going for a world title.
Scoring comes naturally because every time I come off the pitch and I haven't got a goal, then I am not happy with my performance.
Men never cling to their dreams with such tenacity as at the moment when they are losing faith in them and know it, but do not dare confess it to themselves.
My name is out there right now. I'm creative and innovative. I should capitalize on it.
Sometimes the only way to realize what a foolish purchase is is to make one.
Republics, like other forms of government, exist in history and can rise and fall.
If the man who turnips cries, cry not when his father dies, 'tis proof that he had rather have a turnip than his father.
The mind shapes the body, and the body shapes the mind.
Before I was even famous, I was famous on Facebook.
I feel like my agents are really amazing and smart.
You can celebrate the female form in comfort. We left corsets behind in the dark ages, so why bring them back now?
You know, I play in small, intimate venues; I'm not an arena performer.
If we ever have free time, my partner and I are fond of going on walks through the local state forests and parks.
I don't always take off my make-up before bed, and I like pizza at two in the morning.
I have a cult-like following because I exemplify what it is to be a human being.
I don't define drag. Drag is defined by me.
While in my late teens and in my 20s, I worked seven days a week, 20 hours a day. I worked my tail off.
I'm quite good at golf. I'm not amazing, but I play a lot.
The music has always been the first and foremost element in our career.