'Rather than fighting over a piece of the pie, can we grow the pie?' is really our model.
All life is an experiment. The more experiments yoiu make the better.
It is the people of Kerala and their expectations that have made me what I am today.
My vision is closing in now, I just try and enjoy vision as much as possible. Y'know, living it up.
When a single hair has fallen from your head, you are not yet bald.
I wasn't worried about unemployment.
I don't think I'm a bigot or a racist. But I have a truck, a Blazer. I drink beer. There are some women I do hate.
Just practice hard and stay grounded. Treat people like you want to be treated and work hard.
At home, our focus has always been academics and playing.
If you heard 40 times in a day that Newt Gingrich takes the wings off of butterflies, eventually you'd believe it.
I believe the Abominable Snowman may be real. I think there may be something in that.
In our deepest valleys we are strengthened to climb our highest mountains.
Peter said, ananias, why hath satan filled thine heart to lie to the holy ghost?... And ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost.
I know what I need to do to make myself and make my legs, most importantly, feel good.
I find that when you see somebody in the tabloids all the time, you have no desire to see them in movies.
Below the navel there is neither religion nor truth.
A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.
The winner has many friends, the loser has good friends.
A fool's tongue is long enough to cut his own throat.
When the sky falls we'll all catch larks.
Time is a wealth of change, but the clock in its parody makes it mere change and no wealth.
He that is warm thinks all so.
If you would shoot a general, shoot his horse first.
With money, a dragon - without it, a worm.
Silence was never written down.
Silence is the voice of complicity.
Do not rejoice at my grief, for when mine is old yours will be new.
If the mountain won't come to mohammed, mohammed must go to the mountain.
Before telling secrets on the road, look in the bushes.
The eye that sees all things else, sees not itself.