"Age before beauty," said the devil as he threw his grandmother off' the stairs.
"Ahu" are stone platforms on which many moai sit. There are 313 known ahu and 125 of these carry moai. The biggest, Ahu Tongariki is 220 m (720 ft), and had the most (15) and tallest moai.
"All freight lightens," said the skipper, when he threw his wife overboard.
"All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
"Almost a hit," said the boy as he threw the stone at his dog and hit his stepmother's leg.
"Almost" and "About" prevent lying.
"Almost" never killed a fly.
"An egg is an egg," said the beadle, but he took the goose-egg.
"Android" is gender specific.
"Ascension Thursday" is 40 days after Easter and is when Christ was said to have ascended to heaven.
"Away with you, be a peddlar, a knave," says the hangman to his man.
"Bad company," said the thief, as he went to the gallows between the hangman and a monk.
"But" is a fence over which few leap.
"Come and I'll tell you something," tickles the ear.
"Come see me" and "Come live with me" are two different things.
Duplication never works for anybody.
I've been the type of father who tries desperately to be perfect but doesn't succeed all the time.
Architecture is inhabited sculpture.
We were trained to live by our wits, in any circumstance.
True success for me is allowing players to be better than I was. That is what I went into coaching for and I've not lost sight of that.
The lover knows much more about absolute good and universal beauty than any logician or theologian, unless the latter, too, be lovers in disguise.
They set a base for what the rate should be before it's considered an actual gift.
Anything that keeps me off balance is vital.
I come from a working-class background in Queens, New York.
It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.
It's a commitment we have made to sama and we will respect it.
Well, you just took it day by day, whatever happens is going to happen, you know, just try to dodge the bullets.
Financially, people always assume you're good when you're a rapper.
I felt privileged to be a facet of such a jewel in the crown of American cinema.
I am typically French.