With 'The Crazy Ones,' we were really encouraged to improv and go off script.
I am not really into buying a lot of expensive things.
Chicken parm is hard to beat.
I'm allergic to Hawaii. Everything there makes me react in some way.
Loving, like prayer, is a power as well as a process. It's curative. It is creative.
My rookie year was huge for me as far as the learning curve, especially those last three games.
MySpace is the site I wanted to be on.
The road ahead is not easy. Iraq is currently the center of the war on terror.
If you have to support yourself, you had bloody well better find some way that is going to be interesting.
I have always worked from that place, that if you are going to inhabit someone and get under their eyes, you need to have empathy.
How near to guilt without actual guilt.
There's nothing more boring than actors talking about acting.
What families have in common the world around is that they are the place where people learn who they are and how to be that way.
Food for the body is not enough. There must be food for the soul.
It's really nice to be able to go into the offseason and attack the training as soon as possible.
I fully accepted that I cannot grow facial hair, but it is quite emasculating.
One marriage is never celebrated but another grows out of it.
I am working on music and telling my personal story and sharing my talent on stage.
I drink Jack Daniel's. I drink tequila. But you do it in moderation.
Obviously you try to keep as much of your private life as private as you can.
You have to follow that next step.
When somebody says that a comic steals jokes, it's the ultimate betrayal of comedy.
People with chile peppers on their chef pants shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen.
Kanye West is my older brother, an inspiring guy and someone who keeps pushing my level up further and further.
I'm a bit of a cougar, to be honest.
I consider plot a necessary intrusion on what I really want to do, which is write snappy dialogue.
I Google everyone I meet and I look up designers.
I hate censorship, man. I really do.
In every business, in every industry, management does matter.
It always amazes me when I see young people with raw talent and passion.