Why would we send ?our fighters to harass him? He is not capable enough to challenge us.
If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?
It's a great club, for me, and I am still an Arsenal fan. Will I come back? Maybe, I still hope to.
I was born dirt-poor with barely a stitch on my back, and no name or prestige attached to me, and no real clout or connections.
One of the secret benefits of using remote workers is that the work itself becomes the yardstick to judge someone's performance.
Knowledge is proud that it knows so much wisdom is humble that it knows no more.
It's like why people read scary books or go see scary movies. Because it creates a distance. They're scared, but they're not going to get hurt.
The world cannot evolve if girls refuse to become women.
Ignorant kindness may have the effect of cruelty; but to be angry with it as if it were direct cruelty would be an ignorant unkindness.
Often, the best jobs come out of just meeting people and letting one thing lead to another.
My goal is to write books that are quality books with very real characters and a gripping plot.
Kirmizi biber has a sweet aroma and can vary in spiciness.
I don't want to see any taxpayer funding going towards... A couple that is not married.
On my phone I have meituan, baidu and ele.me, and I use whichever one has the biggest discount.
When I was 16, I really discovered good stuff like Detroit techno or gabba from Holland.
Zoologists have a love of animals and those who work in the field are usually physically fit.
Zoologists can also be involved in conservation, protecting endangered animals and their habitats.
Zoolander was more of my own sensibility.
Zooey Deschanel loves music, loves musical theater, loves the show of it.
Zoo animals are ambassadors for their cousins in the wild.
Zoo An excellent place to study the habits of human beings.
Zombies, what are you going to do with them? Just keep chopping them up, shooting at them, shooting at them.
Zombies, mummies - they're disgusting and gross. You don't want to make out with a mummy. At least, I don't.
Zombies to me don't represent anything in particular. They are a global disaster that people don't know how to deal with.
Zombies sort of typify this ambiguity, that they're not dead and not alive.
Zombies have always had a lot of built-in social commentary.
Zombies cannot run.
Zombies are my ticket to ride! It's how I get a deal! I don't care what they are. I don't care where they came from.
Zombies are kind of a perennial.
Zombies are eternal. They're like dinosaurs.