You judge someone from the day you meet them.
Hezbollah literally controls lebanese politics, if they do that, it would be sheer harassment.
Once you have the money, fame, success or power, it's so easy to maintain that, because all you have to do is play it safe.
I wasn't ever advised by Scott Sullivan of anything ever being wrong.
Apparently several — more than three or four — referees have been disinclined to see this published.
A grain of gold will gild a great surface, but not so much as a grain of wisdom. - From live without principle.
To look for a needle in a haystack.
Seaking and its pre-evolved form are the only Pokémon that can learn Waterfall through leveling up.
I played street soccer; that's where I started. If you look at South America, that's why they have technical players.
Coaching is definitely on the aspiration list.
This age thinks better of a gilded fool Than of a threadbare saint in wisdom's school.
Art is the skin of the soul.
You can work through most things and come out on the other side feeling like you've learned a good lesson and you'll get better.
Video analysis is big for me. Through video, you see good things and bad things and can show players how to improve.
Inside I never said I wanted to do theatre or be an actor.
Zoologists have a love of animals and those who work in the field are usually physically fit.
Zoologists can also be involved in conservation, protecting endangered animals and their habitats.
Zoolander was more of my own sensibility.
Zooey Deschanel loves music, loves musical theater, loves the show of it.
Zoo animals are ambassadors for their cousins in the wild.
Zoo An excellent place to study the habits of human beings.
Zombies, what are you going to do with them? Just keep chopping them up, shooting at them, shooting at them.
Zombies, mummies - they're disgusting and gross. You don't want to make out with a mummy. At least, I don't.
Zombies to me don't represent anything in particular. They are a global disaster that people don't know how to deal with.
Zombies sort of typify this ambiguity, that they're not dead and not alive.
Zombies have always had a lot of built-in social commentary.
Zombies cannot run.
Zombies are my ticket to ride! It's how I get a deal! I don't care what they are. I don't care where they came from.
Zombies are kind of a perennial.
Zombies are eternal. They're like dinosaurs.