"Age before beauty," said the devil as he threw his grandmother off' the stairs.
"Ahu" are stone platforms on which many moai sit. There are 313 known ahu and 125 of these carry moai. The biggest, Ahu Tongariki is 220 m (720 ft), and had the most (15) and tallest moai.
"All freight lightens," said the skipper, when he threw his wife overboard.
"All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
"Almost a hit," said the boy as he threw the stone at his dog and hit his stepmother's leg.
"Almost" and "About" prevent lying.
"Almost" never killed a fly.
"An egg is an egg," said the beadle, but he took the goose-egg.
"Android" is gender specific.
"Ascension Thursday" is 40 days after Easter and is when Christ was said to have ascended to heaven.
"Away with you, be a peddlar, a knave," says the hangman to his man.
"Bad company," said the thief, as he went to the gallows between the hangman and a monk.
"But" is a fence over which few leap.
"Come and I'll tell you something," tickles the ear.
"Come see me" and "Come live with me" are two different things.
When you enter a room, you have to kiss his ring. I don't mind, but he has it in his back pocket.
One can not reflect in streaming water. Only those who know internal peace can give it to others.
Embrace your weirdness!
I don't want to be a copy of anyone else.
I started walking a wire when I was 2 years old, and this has been a dream of mine to recreate this walk.
I agree that lighter-skinned women get favored in Hollywood, and I'm not proud to say that.
Everyone has a warped vision of Hollywood and what success in Hollywood is like.
I owe my brother an enormous amount. It was my brother who actually introduced me to a lot of my ideas.
My liking for a team isn't based on just how good it was, but how good was it in relation to how good it should have been.
I think those autoworkers whose industry would have collapsed if the president hadn't intervened are certainly better off.
Reporters aren't actually people!
I don't live to eat but eat to live.
The impact of Luis Enrique has been very positive. He has very clear ideas about football and we've absorbed them.
CNN was just a glimmer in my eye when I was growing up in Atlanta.
Look at the history of peace accords in Africa. They have a terrible record. They are shredded even before the ink on them is dry.