Two sparrows on one ear of corn never agree.
I'm a real musician's musician I get really geeky on chords and arrangements.
I've definitely learned that if you really want something, just go for it, no matter how much it scares you.
When you see a fantastic colour or cut in a magazine, perched up on some famous so-and-so's head, it's tempting to ask your stylist for the same, but do not be fooled. The hair in those fancy photos can be very high maintenance.
I'm not afraid to die. But I'm afraid to not live.
Honestly, it's the most amazing feeling in the world to be able to work on something that you're really proud of.
When I'm at home or at school, I'm casual and comfortable. I tend to wear work out clothes and lots of sweaters.
I think if you look at the failure of journalism in the modern age, then I don't want to be called a journalist.
Fit no stereotypes. Don't chase the latest management fads. The situation dictates which approach best accomplishes the team's mission.
A shady business never yields a sunny life.
We should all be allies to ideas or people or initiatives that we don't necessarily have a real knowledge in.
The follies which a man regrets most, in his life, are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity.
I just couldn't believe that an elected official would say something so stupid.
Where I come from, the estates are not so nice. It is a bit gritty.
It said, 'you have a second cousin,'.
You can't worry too much about profile; otherwise, you become a different kind of actor, and that's not the kind of actor I want to be.
I have been reading Stephen King since CARRIE and hope to read him for many years to come.
My goal isn't to be one of the best; it's to change the game, to change the way things work.
Coconut is one of those love-hate ingredients.
My youngest uncle Randy and I were the first members of our entire family to ever go to college.
We have brave hearts and won't retreat. We are not going back; we are going forward.
I'm here to govern for everybody and I hope that people judge me on my merits and what I can do.
This whole science thing of working out if players are a little bit tired just gives you an excuse to leave them out.
The comment that I've made is that if unaccompanied minors can cross the border, then certainly trained terrorists probably can, too.
In war, there can never be too much deception.
No hotels have gone out of business because of Airbnb... Airbnb is not a perfect substitute for a hotel. We excel at different things.
There was never in my mind a desire to give in on the subject of freeing the political prisoners.
Brothers love each other when they are equally rich.
The time comes upon every public man when it is best for him to keep his lips closed.
What a word is truth. Slippery, tricky, unreliable. I tried in these books to tell the truth.