If you start your own thing, you can learn a lot really fast from doing things wrong.
Pop art is the inedible raised to the unspeakable.
I wish I could do a black and white film.
Maybe it's due to my west coast liberal upbringing, but, the idea of parallel universes doesn't strike me as being too far out there.
Important subjects related to genetics include biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and English.
Getting an audience requires luck as well as talent. Some artists are private and shy. It costs them too much.
Hatred, racism, and extremism have no place in this country.
Beating up on the so-called elite media has a nice populist ring to it.
I grew up in a forest. It's like a room. It's protected. Like a cathedral... It is a place between heaven and earth.
I took up scuba diving, and my next big thing is BASE jumping.
If you told me I could only do one thing, I would choose live concerts.
There is no power in cynicism. There is no forward thrust in cynicism.
She helped me bring my memory back, it's not physically she saved my life but mentally she did.
Just to be remembered is good enough for me. Lots of people are forgotten.
What I like least about acting is that when you're only in one place, you're missing the other part of life.
I don't think I was a miracle man. Neither were Lou Holtz or Frank Leahy. We all found ways to win.
It's amazing. I didn't think to be so far in the tournament, today I think I played really well.
Zoologists study the behavior, physiology, classification and distribution of animals, whether they are living or extinct.
With beauty, I just try to get as much sleep as possible. I might have a nice hot bath and moisturise with coconut oil.
I've learned it's always better to have a small percentage of a big success, than a hundred percent of nothing.
I think my play will talk for me, It will show people, and it will show the league.
I can't believe I am hosting the Oscars. It's an honor everyone else said no.
You will see - in the future, I will live by my watercolors.
People think that being Korean is all one thing.
We are well and truly stuck.
I loved words. I love to sing them and speak them and even now, I must admit, I have fallen into the joy of writing them.
Today is the big test for egbs.
A lot of people say I am serious, but I don't think I am.
You take it one game at a time because it's the most important game of the season.
I thought that's where I would go I would become a Shakespearian actor.