"Age before beauty," said the devil as he threw his grandmother off' the stairs.
"Ahu" are stone platforms on which many moai sit. There are 313 known ahu and 125 of these carry moai. The biggest, Ahu Tongariki is 220 m (720 ft), and had the most (15) and tallest moai.
"All freight lightens," said the skipper, when he threw his wife overboard.
"All science is either physics or stamp collecting."
"Almost a hit," said the boy as he threw the stone at his dog and hit his stepmother's leg.
"Almost" and "About" prevent lying.
"Almost" never killed a fly.
"An egg is an egg," said the beadle, but he took the goose-egg.
"Android" is gender specific.
"Ascension Thursday" is 40 days after Easter and is when Christ was said to have ascended to heaven.
"Away with you, be a peddlar, a knave," says the hangman to his man.
"Bad company," said the thief, as he went to the gallows between the hangman and a monk.
"But" is a fence over which few leap.
"Come and I'll tell you something," tickles the ear.
"Come see me" and "Come live with me" are two different things.
Character is power.
The only time the police had ever been there was when they had been robbed.
I'm a human just like anyone else, and I understand that, so at the end of the day, you've got to stay humble.
We tried to get the current model to europe as quickly as possible, as far as production allowed for it.
I will refine somebody in a minor way, but I don't want to totally change them. I don't want them to look like plastic dolls.
A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand.
I think when I was about 6 or 7, I would have said I wanted to be an actor and an artist.
Reformation, like education, is a journey, not a destination.
I'm a hopeless romantic and passionate person when it comes to love.
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
I thought they were practicing for an air show.
A tree never hits an automobile except in self defense.
Growing up, I was in love with Jennifer Aniston from 'Friends.'
You know, there were major problems in my marriage.
I don't want to wait more than a year and a half or two years between books.