A bad penny always turns up.
A barking dog never bites.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
A change is as good as a rest.
A dog is a man's best friend.
A fish always rots from the head down.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A golden key can open any door.
A good beginning makes a good ending.
A good man is hard to find.
A person is known by the company he keeps.
A house is not a home.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
A leopard cannot change its spots.
I have the feeling when I write poetry that I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. You don't think about whether you're going to get money or fame, you just do it.
It's so wrong when I pick up a new edition of Huckleberry Finn and I look at the last page and it doesn't say, Yours truly, at the end.
The Club Kids were about fun. Wild, messy fun - the more debauched, the better.
Teaching was the hardest work I had ever done, and it remains the hardest work I have done to date.
I think Andrew Stanton is such an amazing, creative mind.
1stdibs changed the whole industry, I don't know how you can be in this business today without them.
I want my prose to be as clear as a pane of glass.
I think life is about growing into yourself and getting to like that person.
The young may die, the old must die.
I'm terrified of improv. Improv in a show or in front of an audience sounds terrifying.
If I train well and stay focused, I'm confident I can deliver when the time comes.
I can sleep anywhere. I'm like an infant.
I need match practice of course, I need minutes in my legs to reach my best form.
I love bringing roses to a woman when she least expects it.
I think I'm starting to be a little bit more appreciated or a little bit more noticed in the industry.