Acting can be a narrow and isolated experience, because you only examine your particular part.
I cut out bread, I don't eat after 6 P.M., and I go on walks, and it's had a great effect.
Live life intensely - I've always believed in that.
I think that Van Gogh is really the ultimate crazy artist that we all think of.
We can all agree that first loves can be a scary thing, and that growing up is hard to do.
I'm a mom first.
Global warming as a phenomenon is just beginning, species extinctions and other changes are far more advanced.
Comedy will always be central to what I do, it's just an instinct for me, but I am a writer and always have been.
It is almost impossible to remember how tragic a place the world is when one is playing golf.
Without contacts, I'm almost blind.
I think a player like Van Persie can play for every team because he's a top player.
Where we choose to locate our stores is as important as how we design them.
We have to bring the humanity and compassion back.
Apparently there's a little confusion that all family members are supposed to be clones of one another.
I'm always driven to keep doing something different and better.
Zoologists have a love of animals and those who work in the field are usually physically fit.
Zoologists can also be involved in conservation, protecting endangered animals and their habitats.
Zoolander was more of my own sensibility.
Zooey Deschanel loves music, loves musical theater, loves the show of it.
Zoo animals are ambassadors for their cousins in the wild.
Zoo An excellent place to study the habits of human beings.
Zombies, what are you going to do with them? Just keep chopping them up, shooting at them, shooting at them.
Zombies, mummies - they're disgusting and gross. You don't want to make out with a mummy. At least, I don't.
Zombies to me don't represent anything in particular. They are a global disaster that people don't know how to deal with.
Zombies sort of typify this ambiguity, that they're not dead and not alive.
Zombies have always had a lot of built-in social commentary.
Zombies cannot run.
Zombies are my ticket to ride! It's how I get a deal! I don't care what they are. I don't care where they came from.
Zombies are kind of a perennial.
Zombies are eternal. They're like dinosaurs.