You try to give away what you want yourself.
The 1970s crystallized the service mantra as we now know it.
My parents always made me dress up for church. I really didn't want to.
Just in a matter of eight months to win the U-19 World Cup as captain and then make the Test team is quite unreal.
I truly have a lot of faith in the universe even when I'm down, I'm always good.
Close to the tsar, close to death.
My mom would have liked it that I patterned myself more after Jimmy Reed.
I'm a working actress able to make choices based on characters rather than what I 'should' do for my career.
A demography that is digitising rapidly, and the potential to invest in infrastructure, are the key strengths of India.
I'm generally not a fan of remaking great films.
As a kid, I loved contact sports, especially American football and boxing.
We all get old, but I always say the skinny, pretty girls will be screwed.
How do you deliver democracy to a country? You don't do it down the barrel of a gun. That's not how you deliver it.
Singapore is a pretty fantastic place, and the race is always a challenge.
I have a brass bed that's very 'Bedknobs and Broomsticks.' I got it on eBay. It's from the early 1900s.
You're at the hotel and after that you go to the venue and sit there and wait.
It's tough being a Jew.
Football is at least as 'gay' as rugby, Greco-Roman wrestling and the film '300.'
In my research, what I found most interesting was how common and ordinary magic was to people in the past.
I've always tried to seek out environments with excitement.
Do not follow vain desires for verily he who prospers is preserved from lust, greed and anger.
Our country is doing very well. You'll see some very good announcements very shortly.
I had to force myself not to be overly protective because I had lost one child.
I generally think that I should only speak by action and not by words.
I've never been known as a riff kind of artist.
I write edgy, sexy teen romances, and that's what I'll continue to do.
If I wear make-up, then people recognise me, but the rest of the time, no one really bothers.
If thoughts were legal witnesses, many an honest man would be proved a rogue.
They can shoot first and retreat later.
It was just mind-boggling, it was a nightmare even if you have a strong heart.