There are twenty-five uncaught sparrows for a penny.
Heaven is dark and yet out of it streams clear water.
The ungrateful son is like a wart on his father's face; to leave it there is unsightly, to cut it off is painful.
The wood is burnt, but the ashes are a nuisance.
The tree will not sway without a trace of wind.
Give every man his due.
The best weapon is the one that's to hand.
Only stretch your foot to the length of your blanket.
Blood is thick than water.
An old friend is like a saddled horse.
If you want to keep camels, have a big enough door.
No one says his own buttermilk is sour.
Give graciously - even an onion.
Be patient with your enemies and forgiving of your friends.
The world is the traveler's inn.
Cats don't catch mice to please god.
Debt severs love.
Don't be a thief and you won't fear the king.
Don't show me the palm tree, show me the dates.
Don't use your teeth when you can untie the knot with your fingers.
Even the largest army is nothing without a good general.
Every man thinks his own thoughts are best.
Every tree feels the force of the wind.
First food, then religion.
Five fingers are brothers but not equals.
Five of them would run from the bang of one empty gun.
Give even an onion graciously.
Having been bitten by a snake, he's afraid of a rope.