The path less taken disinterests me while the path frequently taken appalls me. I'd rather find a path never taken before.
God has to pay a price for the monsters that we create" -mental hell.
Of course god's forgiving and kind. It takes a supernatural being to be capable of such a thing.
Keys to a miserable life: value the wrong things.
Just like water in an aquarium, a mind left to stagnate brings forth death to whichever life that dwells within it.
It never ceases to baffle me at how one's more willing to accept the unacceptable as long as it can be rationalized.
At the end of the day everybody is doing what they can to get by.
Never hurt a woman unless you absolutely and positively mean it" - james "the buck" bukowitz.
Nothing is more relentless or as dispassionate as time.
To deny expression is a form of lying and a mode of suicide.
Faith can't be reasoned with. Otherwise it would've been called fact.
Only a fool would sit on the sidelines hoping for something worthy of mention to happen to them .
I'm under obligation to my demons. To find them where they lie and cast them out accordingly.
The irony of life is that no one gets out of it alive .
It is our scars that make us so beautiful yet we go well out of our way to hide them. That is our tragedy.
People have blind faith in confident fools.
To share wisdom with the immature is like giving goldbricks to a child.
Kick a man who's down and he's bound to kill you if he ever gets back up.
True lust knows no bounds. Marriage or otherwise" - buck, mental hell.
Start cutting corners on whatever it is you do and those corners will seek to get even with you sooner or later.
Hell is a place forged in the mind and is fueled by fear.
In our quest for wisdom, we should care lest we lose our humanity along the way .
To merely exist is the gravest of sins.
The germ of genius with a definite purpose is contagious. Otherwise, it's pathogenic.
Nature's perfectly cruel in the most just ways.