'Zero problems with neighbors' is a value. But another equally important value is to establish peace.
As an academic, this was not the lifestyle I had planned for myself. Now I see myself everywhere.
At the moment we don't have any advanced work on this nor is this a topic being debated.
Every family in Konya has at least one shoemaker in their midst, and I am one of those families.
I am grateful to all european leaders for this new beginning.
If you can serve everyone who visits you, you must be doing well in business.
Is it turkey's fault that it has borders with syria?
It is unacceptable to treat any corpse this way, even if it is a dead terrorist.
No one should try to build a victory from an election they lost.
Our future is our sense of common destiny.
Some things are difficult to adapt to.
Talks will continue but there is not a mechanism like we have set up with the chp.
The millions who put their hope in the akp should not worry.
The struggle within the akp must continue. This party is ours, we're not thinking of giving up and going.
Today is a historic day in our accession process to the eu, I am grateful to all european leaders for this new beginning.
We said that pledges made in the peace process need to be fulfilled as soon as possible.