I've elected to age gracefully.
All the violence in videos and movies, you can't tell me that that wouldn't influence a disturbed person.
Personal trials are the great equalizer that continues to draw public fascination.
I think that research is incredibly important and hopefully one day there will be a cure for cancer. They are making great strides.
We've all seen the media endlessly focus on the personal lives of celebrities. Most of it is gossip and tabloid fodder.
A Texas girl who grew up in terrible poverty, I ended up leading a pretty glamorous life.
I sleep with my gun on my bedside table. I live alone; it is my protection and makes me feel safer.
I don't mind being single. In fact, I like it.
I wish I had been a better mother and a more compassionate and understanding wife in both of my marriages.
I resisted writing a book for a long time because I didn't want to invade anyone else's privacy or hurt anyone or anger anyone.
I used to think that divorce meant failure, but now I see it more as a step along the path of self-realization and growth.
Being friends with anyone for 30 years is no easy task - people change, they drift apart, they move on.
I don't regret either of my marriages - not for a minute.
Bitterness and resentment only hurt one person, and it's not the person we're resenting - it's us.
It's fine to have armed guards, but don't then tell everyone else they can't own a gun.