Sharp acids corrode their own containers.
A dry bone is never licked.
Fire, water and government know nothing of mercy.
In times of need a pig is called uncle.
If you have figs in your knapsack, everyone will want to be your friend.
In the eyes of the mouse the cat is a lion.
If you lend you either lose the money or gain an enemy.
Fire is a good slave, but a bad master.
He who can read and write has four eyes.
He who is not drunk on a sunday is not worth a greeting on monday.
Patience is the key to paradise.
One eats figs whilst the other pays.
Don't put gold buttons on a torn coat.
Don't put golden buttons on a torn coat.
Even the hen looks toward heaven when she drinks.
When you have given nothing, ask for nothing.
Where a horse of a turk passes the grass will not grow again.
Work like a slave and eat like a gentleman.
Every guest hates the others, and the host hates them all.
If you are in the house of a friend, bad times are soon forgotten.
Stroke the dog and he will mark you with his dirty paws.
When you have no companion, look to your walking stick.
He who hesitates, regrets.
He who leans against a big tree will always find shade.
The man who has eaten enough will never believe a hungry one.
The monk gets married to please his friend.
You cannot turn blood into water.