I love insults, devastating takedowns, things that could be described by Twitter hacks as 'shots fired,' and funny ad hominem attacks.
Aaron Sorkin is why people hate liberals. He's a smug, condescending know-it-all who isn't as smart as he thinks he is.
I guess if you want me to stop writing horrible, mean takedowns of everyone, give me a really, really cushy columnist gig.
I grew up in a politically aware household very civically-minded, good Minnesota liberals.
Modern political speechwriting is certainly a skill, and one that requires experience and practice to master.
The State of the Union is less written than it is designed, structured and organized around applause prompts and camera cues.
Please don't begin to believe that the American political establishment is anything but a corrupt puppet of oligarchy.
Conservatives don't want to read good, smart books. They mostly want to read Fox and talk radio hosts writing about presidents.
Only a small rich fringe hates Social Security for disincentivizing 80-year-olds from seeking full-time employment.
Apocalyptic hysteria is much more effective at getting people to open their wallets than reasonable commentary.
'Political junkies' and liberals will watch MSNBC, and angry, old right-wingers will watch Fox.
Please don't begin to believe that the American political establishment is anything but a corrupt puppet of oligarchy.
Furloughing a bunch of air traffic controllers has a pretty easy-to-predict effect on air travel It causes delays.
I grew up in a politically aware household very civically-minded, good Minnesota liberals.
Conservatives don't want to read good, smart books. They mostly want to read Fox and talk radio hosts writing about presidents.