What teenagers want most of all are social rewards, especially the respect of their peers.
What makes knowledge automatic is what gets you to Carnegie Hall - practice, practice, practice.
What happens when children reach puberty earlier and adulthood later? The answer is a good deal of teenage weirdness.
The radio was an improvement on the telegraph but it didn't have the same exponential, transformative effect.
The brain is highly structured, but it is also extremely flexible. It's not a blank slate, but it isn't written in stone, either.
The best scientific way to discover if one factor influences another is to do a controlled experiment.
Texts and e-mails travel no faster than phone calls and telegrams, and their content isn't necessarily richer or poorer.
One of the most distinctive evolutionary features of human beings is our unusually long, protected childhood.
I'm afraid the parenting advice to come out of developmental psychology is very boring pay attention to your kids and love them.
Historically, absolute IQ scores have risen substantially as we've changed our environment so that more people go to school longer.
Developmental scientists like me explore the basic science of learning by designing controlled experiments.
Culture is our nature, and the ability to learn and change is our most important and fundamental instinct.
Because we imagine, we can have invention and technology. It's actually play, not necessity, that is the mother of invention.