I don't look for bliss, just contentment.
If you don't know what makes green, you're going to try every color combination.
I never had any big dreams about doing something on a huge scale.
The grand old lady of bluegrass? Well, wouldn't that be a wonderful title to have? I hope I do enough to earn it some day.
Whenever I've chosen a song because it's clever, it's always turned out to be a mistake.
Oh Mr. Webster could never define what's being said between your heart and mine.
I still think of myself as from Illinois.
My parents made us do everything, try everything.
Some things feel really good to sing there's a physical aspect, but there's more to it - a deeper place you go to.
That's what I love. Not being interrupted, sitting in a car by myself and listening to music in the rain. There are so many great songs yet to sing.
People are always very nice.
I don't know if bliss is possible and I've always thought that my best times will be later in life.
I love being in the world of the unknown.
I started with the classical violin when I was 6, and I guess it went well.
I think you translate emotion better when you take your hands off.
Growing up I used to love bands like Free and ELO and the Rolling Stones. When Robert Plant got in touch it made perfect sense to me.
A whole album to one writer - now that would be really interesting.
I don't get recognised in London or at home either - very seldom anyway. Either that or I look so crazy no one wants to come up to me.
You say it best, when you say nothing at all.
Being in the studio is a really romantic time.