Hiking in drag is hilarious!
When you combine a Texas woman in a competition setting with her child, she gets very serious.
My father was very strict.
There's beauty in everyone's mug and body-ody-ody, but taking care of those things requires a lot of work, energy, and effort.
Don't be anything you're not. Be yourself. And people will either celebrate that or say, 'It's not for me.'
It took a lot of years of me on my own, coaching myself, to look in the mirror and love the reflection.
During the day, I'm a business owner. I'm a teacher and a mentor.
I don't get cute, I get drop-dead gorgeous.
As much as I love to travel and be on stage and perform, I knew at a very young age that I wanted to be a choreographer and a director.
The greatest gift I've ever received is being a teacher.
I've always been the rock of my family.
I started doing drag because I needed a creative outlet for myself.
You don't have to win 'Drag Race' to really win. And I am living proof of that, thank you Mary J. Blige!
If I put on a T-shirt that says 'YAAAS,' I want to mean it.
I used to focus so much on winning. I used to be such a perfectionist.
I think it's inevitable to evolve if we allow ourselves.
I have such respect for RuPaul.
Positivity attracts positivity.
You don't want people to think, 'Oh, she was a person who was bitter because she didn't win.' You can't always win at everything.
Violet Chachki - I'm a huge fan of her work.
I think what happened is I learned my strengths, but more importantly, I learned to embrace my weaknesses.
Every performer will have a bad night. It's just inevitable.
I have so much to be thankful for.
If people don't ask you for their opinion, you don't have to share it, but if you are asked, be honest.
I'm gonna be the best version of me. If there's something I don't know, I'm not afraid to ask.
Huge fan of Lady Gaga - huge, mega, superfan.