Be it in Malayalam or Tamil, I got to play characters who had plenty to do in the storyline and not just be a prop.
I am doing films that are content-oriented and where I have the scope to perform. Rarely do such scripts happen.
I can't drink coffee because as per Ayurveda, I have a pitta body type. This means I am fire, and coffee means more fire.
I grow tomatoes, spinach and melons, a pepper vine climbs my coconut tree. I have a home and kitchen of my own.
I hate being typecast and I don't want to do things that are boring for me because it would be boring for the viewers as well.
I used to think that only a mother could provide unconditional love and make sacrifices.
I wanted to be a journalist so the character of a TV news person in 'Run Baby Run' was really interesting.
I've sold my Mercedes and I'll be getting something electric. I work out of a thatch shed on the roof.
I've turned vegetarian and am on an ayurvedic diet. I go to the beach every day, and I feel the creative energy of Auroville.
Life can't be always be stable always right. There are things which are out of your control.
I've turned vegetarian and am on an ayurvedic diet. I go to the beach every day, and I feel the creative energy of Auroville.
I can't drink coffee because as per Ayurveda, I have a pitta body type. This means I am fire, and coffee means more fire.
When people look at 'Aadai's posters and say that I've attempted something bold, it actually reflects me being secure about myself.