At some point, you got to stop caring about people's expectations and care only about your expectations of yourself.
Attacking another American's qualifications solely based on his ethnic background is bigotry. Plain and simple.
Charlie Crist has gone through his entire political life with one stump speech - his grandfather polishing shoes.
Donald Trump has shown us his dark heart, has shown us his racism.
Donald Trump, unlikely Mitt Romney, is not awkward about his money. He has absolutely no qualms about saying, 'I'm rich.'
Had my parents not had visas, had my parents not had the resources to hire lawyers, I would be a DREAM Act kid, too.
He has got to figure out a way how to flay and kill this debate boogie monster dead.
Hypocrisy needs to be called out in American politics, and the absurd has reached the point where it is just insufferable.
I became a Republican, before I knew what a Republican even was, because of Ronald Reagan.
I believe in the redemptive need to admit mistakes, express regret, and ask for forgiveness.
I cast my vote against Donald Trump. I did it without joy or enthusiasm. I did it out of civic duty and love for our country.
I fled communism as a child. That's an experience that can shape you forever.
I get paid to talk politics, which I've done my entire life and I would do for free anyway.
I hate picking a bone with Paul Ryan; he's a friend of mine, but I think he needs to walk and chew gum at the same time.
I have been a Republican since I came to this country, fleeing communism when I was eight years old and Ronald Reagan was president.
It must be so nice to be a white male.
I'm more optimistic than most.
If you can't control your tweeting habits, then stop tweeting. Go seek therapy.
I love Marco Rubio, and I love Jeb Bush. But I've loved Jeb longer.
People ask me if I have comedy writers, and I'm like, 'Are you kidding me?'
The only thing I can stand about the Trump campaign are Ivanka's shoes.
I'm a Latina from Miami. I pity you if you think you're going out-shout me.
We must have zero tolerance for sexual harassment, even if the perpetrator is somebody we like and admire.
Nobody does more identity politics than Donald Trump.
I'm not the kind of person that sits around kind of envisioning things.
Unless I move to a desert island with poor reception, I'll never stop speaking out!
I'm not sure gay marriage was an issue that made or didn't make any single election that I can think of.