When I was a policy analyst at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, I became obsessed with end user license agreements.
When I was a journalist at Wired, I convinced a doctor to implant an RFID tracking device in my arm.
The myth that young people should leave the nest at 18, never to return, started with iconic American Benjamin Franklin.
'The Red' delivers intense action, leavened by a genuinely sympathetic portrait of soldiers caught up in battles they never chose.
Publishers often push women in a subtle way to focus on fantasy and paranormal writing.
Humans have obviously contributed a great deal of carbon to the atmosphere. So we are warming the planet up.
RSS, as a format and an idea, grew directly out of an internet culture that many people online today know nothing about Usenet.
Once you've worked as a writer and editor in the world of social media for a decade, the way I have, you start to notice patterns.
A hard-hitting investigative report that uncovers a nugget of genuine truth is the ultimate viral hit.
We're seeing a new 'Gilded Age,' where inheritance is a deciding factor in who becomes the wealthiest.
With technology tracking us everywhere we go, 'cosplay' might become our best defense against surveillance.
To understand the future properly, it's crucial that we listen to geologists as often as we do computer scientists.
Back in the 1980s, you could learn how to add memory cards to your PC in a Radio Shack.
When I was a policy analyst at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, I became obsessed with end user license agreements.
When I was a journalist at Wired, I convinced a doctor to implant an RFID tracking device in my arm.
The myth that young people should leave the nest at 18, never to return, started with iconic American Benjamin Franklin.
'The Red' delivers intense action, leavened by a genuinely sympathetic portrait of soldiers caught up in battles they never chose.
Publishers often push women in a subtle way to focus on fantasy and paranormal writing.