You could call my piano my trademark, or one of my trademarks.
Yes, I've always been fashion conscious.
Yeah, I want a job in Barack's Cabinet. How about a job, Mr. Obama? Please? Please?
Women absolutely deserve respect.
Who hasn't had a weight issue? If not the body, certainly the big head!
When I first started, I wore Ceil Chapman gowns. I've been wondering for years what happened to the Ceil Chapman line of clothing.
When God loves you, what can be better than that?
What is auto-tune? I don't even know what auto-tune is.
Well, 20 Grammys is not bad.
We've come a long way, but there is still a lot of discrimination.
We all require and want respect, man or woman, black or white. It's our basic human right.
There's a lot of great singers out here.
There is no way in the world anyone else could do my wedding other than myself, along with whomever I select to do various things.
The term 'Sock it to me!' was a big, big thing in our neighborhood - all the kids were saying it.
The love of my life? I'm much too young to answer that question.
I still have perfect diction!
Christmases past, my sister Carolyn and I - we'd been waiting for Santa all night. Nothing! Where is this man?
The duet with Frank Sinatra, 'What Now My Love,' is one of my favorites.
Certainly, gospel was my background - is my background.
Beyonce is a very hard-working woman. Astrologically, for whatever it's worth, she's a Virgo - like Michael Jackson, a hard worker.
I just loved working with George Benson, whom I very much enjoy musically and as a person.
Art Tatum was a genius.
I can say that my big records and my success have been due to the backing which Atlantic have put behind me.
I'm really an old-fashioned girl - I like to be romanced.
My faith always has been and always will be important to me.
I always felt rock and roll was very, very wholesome music.
I'm thinking of giving them to a resale shop.
I sing to the realists; people who accept it like it is.