Age doesn't mean anything. Its all in your head. Men get sexier with age. They also get wiser and get experienced.
As an actor, it's my job to prepare myself for a role. If the character is realistic, one can't go wrong.
Being fit helps me improve my concentration, my will power and even my determination.
Born in Jabalpur, I was brought up in Deolali, where my father ran a small business of making fire extinguishers.
Everybody can be desirable if they take care of themselves.
I am not metrosexual. I am not macho. I am normal. I don't even wear nail paint.
I used to be an athlete and even ran the 400 metre stretch for Tamil Nadu. I have always been active.
India needs a change - it cannot be ruled by 80-year-olds and by people who have done nothing for it.