Money embarrasses me.
No one's ever called me anything but 'Arne.'
Film and art are close together.
Draw what you see.
Art is a tool by which society extends its perception.
Everything happens through relationships.
I've always been in love with the movies. They're the dreams of the 20th Century.
I think very often the price paid for a work is the trophy itself.
Fairs are beneath the dignity of art. To stand there in a booth and hawk your wares - it is just not how you sell art.
I don't believe in selling art by transparencies. Art is a firsthand experience.
I'm a visual person.
The most wonderful time to be in the art world was in the sixties, because it wasn't a business - there was no business of doing art.
Elvis Presley's music never meant anything to me. Mambo was the music I loved - it spoke to me.
It's possible to have more than one interest. I've been a painter and did summer stock.
I've been told I'm a good midcareer manager.