I was brought up by the English side of my family, who are very repressed and working class. Absolutely lovely, but very English.
We are bits of energy floating about in various guises, and when we die we rejoin the big cosmic soup of the universe.
I want to communicate to the everyday person. I don't want to just roll around in my own avant-garde pool of coolness.
I think Deborah Harry has a really sexy, cool and quite playful sex-kitten kind of style I really like.
Dad was an amazing storyteller and illustrator, which he did in his spare time - very inspiring and dramatic.
I like it when people make an effort to wear things that you wouldn't normally put together - I like eccentrics.
I don't like to be too submissive in the way I dress. I like quite boyish things, so I hardly ever wear high heels.
When I was little, people like Talking Heads were on the radio. There was something geeky yet groundbreaking about them.