I'm a worker bee, I like to have a schedule, I like to have a place to be, and a time, and a schedule - it just makes sense to me.
I think for many people, they think that being in drag means you want to be a girl. Being trans and doing drag is completely different.
I think it's great that 'Drag Race' is mainstream.
I laugh at myself on a daily basis.
Shockingly, I'm pretty normal.
Things in life just happen and then you make the best of the situation and you keep moving.
Work was always a part of my life.
We live in a world where everybody's an expert. Everybody's doing a YouTube video. Everyone's doing a tutorial of what needs to happen.
I'm not a person who lives for sympathy.
No matter what I do, you're going to be upset by something.
I am a grown man who is an entertainer with a specific type of humour and if you don't like it, that's okay, I owe you nothing.
If I'm going in to a competition, I'm going in to do the best I can do.
People love sympathy, people love the underdog. For me, sympathy is not part of my drag aesthetic.
I think every city and every drag queen has a different aesthetic or set up, but in the end, it's mutual respect for one another.
There's drag queens who lip sync brilliantly. There's drag queens who sing live brilliantly - none of those are me.
I don't like the Kardashians, but I still live a full life.
Some drag queens want to get into drag and be sexy and date boys... That ain't me.
If someone decides to be in the front row anytime I'm doing a show, they know what they're getting into.
What's funny is funny. It doesn't matter what expense it's at. There are people who don't like that and I understand.
You know you've come full circle when you're working with Charo.
We live in a country that elected Trump. Clearly you have a sense of humor.
There are friends of mine that I've known for years who didn't like my brand of humor, but once I was on 'Drag Race,' they loved it.
I try to find humor in everything.
I didn't plan to be a comedian. I didn't plan to be a drag queen. It just kind of evolved.
There's always something that you go 'I should've done this better, I would've done that.'
Rolodex of Hate' is basically how I ended up being so hateful. It's a look inside.
Well honestly, I do stay away from being political, especially about Trump. It's just one of those things.