I have continuously said that, at the very minimum, the Bush tax cuts for income under $250,000 should be extended.
My position has been consistent that middle class families should not pay more taxes. That hasn't changed.
I would borrow money all day long, if the cost of borrowing is less than the expected return.
I'm 100 percent in support of women's rights, the right of a woman to make her own choice.
If all of us try to do everything, we will accomplish nothing.
We want our children to grow up in a safe community.
My position's always been we need to build on successes within ACA, fix the problems.
While I've been in Congress, I've never experienced a whiff of anti-Semitism. In my life, I have experienced very little.
I have - and always will - stand up against efforts to limit a woman's right to choose.
We cannot forget that we are a nation founded by refugees who were fleeing oppression and often fearful for their lives.
Everyone in this country has a right to quality, affordable health care.
I worry Mr. Trump believes he's special just because he's Mr. Trump and that the rules don't apply to him and the people around him.
I want to see us move from a fossil fuel economy to a renewable economy - if not in my lifetime, then in the lifetime of my children.
Chemical weapons, biological weapons, and nuclear weapons should never be used.
One of the best moments of the Obama presidency was the passage of the Affordable Care Act.
I want to fight hard for the values and priorities of my district.
Making sure that people have access to preventive medicine for the first time ever as a nation? That's a big deal.
I know as a nation we are stronger because of our immigrant tradition.
Budgets reflect our priorities, who we are as a nation, what we're going to put first, and emphasize and invest.
The very foundation of our democracy depends on the integrity of our elections.
We need to rethink a system that has targeted young people, particularly young people of color, for nonviolent crimes.