Fortunately, I've done so many interviews that I've become very good at detecting when someone is giving a less-than-candid reply.
The media chooses to portray the most extreme and violent aspects of a place. I do the opposite and portray the normality.
I didn't actually begin photographing, or even visit New York, for the first time until I was 26.
My two biggest lessons learned as a trader are take risks and get comfortable with taking losses and setbacks to help move you forward.
I've taken pictures in at least 14 countries, and nowhere have people told me 'no' more than New York City.
Of all the places I've been, India is the one that's on the top of my list to return to.
I don't think there's any better education than learning the intimate details of the lives of people who you most admire.
I think everyone feels alone in their sadness, and there's a certain value to hearing other people's sad stories.
If I had sat around and waited until I had an idea to be a successful photographer, I would still be in finance.
Fortunately, I've done so many interviews that I've become very good at detecting when someone is giving a less-than-candid reply.
'Humans of New York' did not result from a flash on inspiration. It grew from five years of experimenting, tinkering, and messing up.
I've taken pictures in at least 14 countries, and nowhere have people told me 'no' more than New York City.
I think everyone feels alone in their sadness, and there's a certain value to hearing other people's sad stories.
The media chooses to portray the most extreme and violent aspects of a place. I do the opposite and portray the normality.