The feud with Jerry Lawler was one of the best feuds I ever had. He was the perfect heel and kept his heat. People hated him.
I would have loved to have worked with Kurt Angle. He would have been a lot of fun to be in the ring with.
Wrestling fans dictate policy; they really do. What direction each wrestler takes usually revolves around what the fans think of them.
My relationship with fans is based off the love of my work and my work ethic.
I worked hard, and I was always frustrated when wrestlers didn't want to work as hard.
My heart was always dedicated to giving fans around the world the best match possible, and the fans grew with me.
The Undertaker stood up for what was right. He earned everything he got.
When you see Bret Hart versus Steve Austin, it just seemed so much more real than Hulk Hogan versus Sgt. Slaughter.
Hogan had the same match every night for years, and so did Warrior. They didn't tell great stories, to be honest.
Eric Bischoff is a total, complete idiot, maybe the single stupidest idiot that ever got into wrestling.
I take being a hero really seriously.
Every year, I think you earn the right to eat cake on your birthday.
I'm living every day that it could be my last, and I'm grateful for every day.
I've always taken a lot of pride that people believed in me as a hero. I tried not to fail them in my life.
It's hard to explain, but it's a beautiful thing to watch in wrestling when someone loses in the exact perfect way.
Ric Flair, as great was and a hard worker as he was, he just tends to get lost in the ring.
Ric Flair is an old nemesis of mine.
People always think I left, and I was living in the States for a long time... But home has always been Calgary.
My father was a man's man and was always respected for being a straight shooter. My dad always had an amazing sense of calm about him.
John Cena is like the 2010 version of Bret Hart. Fans see him as a real decent, upstanding human being.
If you've got the confidence and the work ethic, you can make any dream come true.
If you're going to have a Hall of Fame, you've got to have Owen Hart in the Hall of Fame.
If you watch punches, kicks, and moves where there is contact, Cody Rhodes is one of the best.
I've taken up sculpting. I thought it might help the nerves in my hands.
I wrestled 23 straight years all over the world.